Auto accidents happen a lot each day, and a lot of times, negligence is at play. If you believe it was and thus want to take the driver that hit you to court, then you'll need to file an auto accident claim. This process can go smoothly if you avoid these costly mistakes. Not Preparing to Give Insurance Companies an Official Statement Immediately after this auto collision, you'll probably be receiving calls from insurance adjusters trying to get your side of the story.
12 August 2020
Even when your dog has never harmed anyone before, there might be a time when your dog bites and injures someone. In the reverse, you or your dog could be bitten by another animal while visiting the home of a friend. When injuries occur, it's important to establish who is liable for the injuries and whether there is a personal injury claim. If your dog does the biting in your home, your homeowner's insurance may cover a claim for a dog bite.
29 November 2019
Aggressive drivers cause many problems for drivers on the road. When you have an aggressive driver near you, you can feel your own stress levels rise. When you feel stressed out, you may be at higher risk of actually getting into an accident, perhaps with the aggressive driver when the heat escalates. If you want to avoid an auto accident lawsuit, these tips will help you cool down and keep aggression out of your car.
30 August 2019
When you filed your initial claim and reconsideration for Social Security Disability benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) took on the responsibility of tracking down your medical records for review. That changes, however, once you're headed to a hearing with the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). In the past, the SSA only gave claimants a 20-day notice prior to their hearing with the ALJ. That meant that the only feasible way to make sure that the ALJ was able to review your updated medical records was to bring them with you to the hearing itself.
10 July 2019
Driving is a daily part of life that people use to get back and forth to work, school, and running errands. It is a complex activity that requires your full attention and ability to react within a split second when something goes wrong. Unfortunately, there are many factors that often contribute to vehicular accidents, many of which can cause injury or even death. However, some injuries creep up hours or even days after an accident.
30 October 2018
When you think of a workers compensation claim, you may initially imagine cases like broken bones, burns or lead poisoning. But while these splashy scenarios may all be eligible for workers compensation, you may also be entitled to compensation for more insidious problems such as consistent sleep deprivation. Proving a claim of sleep deprivation may be more difficult than something like a broken leg, but if you have suffered real damages as a consequence of being overworked, you should be able to seek the benefits you need with the assistance of an experienced attorney.
26 July 2016
A car accident can be stressful at any time, but when your vehicle is involved in an accident with a semi truck there is a good chance that the damage and injuries will be more serious due to how large a semi truck is. If negligence or recklessness on the part of the truck driver caused the accident, you are entitled to a financial settlement. Take the following steps after you're injured in an auto collision with a semi truck:
9 July 2016
If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident for which an underage drinker is at fault, you may be entitled to collect additional damages often awarded in accidents involving negligence. The laws in the state where you live may look at accidents where alcohol is involved as an instance of gross negligence in which case you can sue for punitive damages against the drunk driver. In underage drunk driving cases, you also may be able to collect a personal injury settlement from other parties who may share in the responsibility.
25 June 2016
Most people seek the help of a doctor believing that they will be properly treated for their ailments. Unfortunately, mistakes occur within the medical system that can result in the death of a patient that might have recovered had the mistake not occurred. If you suspect that your loved one's death was the result of medical malpractice, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your pain and suffering. Here are three things you need to do to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve in the event a loved one dies as a result of medical malpractice.
27 May 2016
When you place your loved one under the care of a nursing facility, you should have complete confidence they will be well taken care of. But for some people, the opposite is true. Nursing home abuse is an all-too-common and serious concern many people face. If you suspect your loved one is being abused, there are important steps you need to take. Gather Information When you have evidence to support your claim, you have a major advantage.
16 May 2016